Greek community of Maritime Alps

About us

about | Communaute Grecque des Alpes-Maritimes

As a Greek communityWe intend to promote the Greek culture in France and in Europe with diversified activities that serve the cultural nature of the Community. In particular we organize conferences, round table discussions, film projections, expositions, cultural exchanges and partnerships with institutions and associations in France and in Greece. We bring out the modern Greek Culture and we support the learning of the Greek language at all levels of education.

The committee is constituted of five members:

  • Catherine Hadjopoulou, President
  • Marie Hélène Magny,  Secretary
  • Sylvie Szonyi, Treasurer
  • Athena Kontopoulos, member
  • Dimitri Tchapevou, member
  • Sotiris Kalogreas, alternate member


For the effectuation of the objectives of the Greek community, which operates in accordance with the provisions of the Law of 1 July 1901, we schedule and bring into effect:

Our activities

The publication of a newsletter sent by post or by e-mail to all our members, friends and institutions for the updating cultural events in the region of the coastal Alps, in France, in Greece and in other countries.

Greek dancing lessons are organized every Wednesday for those who are interested in learning traditional Greek dances with special references to the traditions, music and other elements of our local culture.

We complete the lessons with the presentation of our local costumes, bibliography, we display traditional greek music, video footage and slides projections.

Courses for the learning of the greek language are provided as well as an introduction of the Greek culture. Using modern educational methods and rich audiovisual material we provide the opportunity to those who wish to acquire a basic vocabulary to communicate in Greek and learn basic information of the country’s culture.

We promote and we cooperate with French and Greek governmental organizations, services, agencies, local government associations that work on issues concerning the Greek culture and Greek learning. Promotion of the Greek language with the support of local organizations and the assumption of initiatives at a local and national level.

Creation of a workshop for the manufacture of traditional Greek clothes

The logo of our association is a work of the graphic artist and designer Alcestis Oikonomopoulou who created a project based on the painting of ALEKOS KONDOPOULOS